Tony Rotter
Rotter rhymes with motor. pRottertype (prō’-tər-tīp) is a play on the words Rotter and prototype. It means “an original full-scale design or construction made exclusively by Tony Rotter.”

Get to know Tony Rotter
Mission Statement
Tony’s goal is for every client to be thrilled with his work. He approaches every project with the same eye for detail and the same solution-oriented perspective – what is going to work best for you? What is going to allow you to enjoy your project for many years to come?
About pRottertype
Rotter rhymes with motor. pRottertype (prō’-tər-tīp) is a play on the words Rotter and prototype. It means “an original full-scale design or construction made exclusively by Tony Rotter.”
About Tony Rotter
Tony loves to create. He enjoys gardening. He likes to cook and is great at it. He takes extremely good care of everything he owns and can fix almost anything.
He enjoys running, swimming, and bicycling. He’s married to Kimberly Rotter, a writer and editor. They both feel very fortunate to work from home most of the time. In June 2010 they welcomed a healthy baby girl into the family, and they now spend much of her time watching her grow.
The fine print
We find that clients are happier when expectations are clear. We want you to know what we’re providing and how much it will cost. We’ll give your project our full attention until the job is finished. Please feel free to review our contract and familiarize yourself with our chronological system of prioritizing jobs. Note that if you do not come to us with a design and architectural drawings, we will be happy to create those for you.